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Sensory garden opened in memory of much-loved resident
A new 'sensory garden' which creates a calming atmosphere for dementia sufferers has opened in memory of a much-loved care home resident, Violet Vaughan who died in March this year, pictured.
Ysguborwen Care Home in Aberdare, a CFW member, has won praise for creating a sensory garden in her memory using the donation she left the home in her will.
Now residents can enjoy the new space, affectionately known as 'Violet's Garden', where there are birds, herbs and an outdoor parlour where they can enjoy an ice cream.
CFW's chair, Mario Kreft, said: "Violet’s Garden is already having a hugely therapeutic effect on the residents and enhancing their well-being.
"Every detail has been carefully thought out to offer residents maximum benefits and I am full of admiration for the home’s continued commitment to delivering care focused on the needs of its residents.
"The power of nature to rehabilitate and restore is well-documented. I’m delighted those living at Ysguborwen can now enjoy the outdoors whatever the weather."
The home's activities manager, Wendy Parker, who has worked there for 25 years said: "It was just a spare piece of land before and one thing led to another and the idea just snowballed.
"The residents absolutely love it. As soon as the sun is out they all go out. It has a very therapeutic effect.
"They’re happier and calmer, and chattier. It has definitely enhanced the home.”
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